@IBOutlet weak var legalText: UITextView!let textToAppend = "TERMS OF SERVICE\nLast Updated: May 7, 2015\n\nPLEASE NOTE: The HIGO Terms of Service as stated below is effective as of the 'Last Updated' date above for any user who is browsing the HIGO website, or for any user who creates a HIGO account on or after that date."
legalText.text = legalText.text.stringByAppendingString(textToAppend)
var termsofservice : UILabel = UILabel()termsofservice.numberOfLines = 0
termsofservice.text = "TERMS OF SERVICE"
termsofservice.font = UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(20)
termsofservice.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Left;
var pleasenote : UILabel = UILabel()
pleasenote.numberOfLines = 0
pleasenote.text = "PLEASE NOTE: The HIGO Terms of Service as stated below is effective as of the 'Last Updated' date above for any user who is browsing the HIGO website, or for any user who creates a HIGO account on or after that date."
pleasenote.font = UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(20)
pleasenote.textAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Left;
let textToAppend = "\(termsofservice)\nLast Updated: May 7, 2015\n\n\(pleasenote)"
var termsofservice = "TERMS OF SERVICE"var normalText = "\n\nLast Updated: May 7, 2015"
var pleasenote = "\n\nPLEASE NOTE: The HIGO Terms of Service as stated below is effective as of the 'Last Updated' date above for any user who is browsing the HIGO website, or for any user who creates a HIGO account on or after that date."
var attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:normalText)
var attrs = [NSFontAttributeName : UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(15)]
var boldString = NSMutableAttributedString(string:pleasenote, attributes:attrs)
var boldString0 = NSMutableAttributedString(string:termsofservice, attributes:attrs)
legalText.attributedText = boldString0
func attributedText() -> NSAttributedString { let string = "TERMS OF SERVICE\nLast Updated: May 7, 2015\n\nPLEASE NOTE: The HIGO Terms of Service as stated below is effective as of the 'Last Updated' date above for any user who is browsing the HIGO website, or for any user who creates a HIGO account on or after that date." as NSString
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: string as String, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName:UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15.0)])
let boldFontAttribute = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 15.0)]
// Part of string to be bold
attributedString.addAttributes(boldFontAttribute, range: string.range(of: "TERMS OF SERVICE"))
attributedString.addAttributes(boldFontAttribute, range: string.range(of: "PLEASE NOTE:"))
// 4
return attributedString
legalText.attributedText = attributedText()
以上是 UITextView中字符串的粗体部分 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/398902.html