

我遵循Adam Pedley在Upgrade PCL to .NET Standard Class Library中概述的方法,最后让所有的东西在本地工作。然而,我们构建服务器上排队时,我面临着以下错误:

C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\2.0.3\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\build\Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets(323,5): error : Assets file 'D:\Builds\Agent-57-01_work\11\s\MyProject\obj\project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. [D:\Builds\Agent-57-01_work\11\s\MyProject\MyProject.csproj]

我们构建服务器运行的代理版本2.120.2,并有Visual Studio的15.4.5。安装。




对于TFS上的前提下,只要按照下面的解决方法:(见Using the latest NuGet in your build了解详细信息)

Because the NuGet Tool Installer is not available in TFS versions prior to TFS 2018, there is a recommended workaround to use versions of NuGet > 4.0.0 in Team Build.

  1. Add the task, if you haven’t already. If you have a “NuGet Restore” step in the catalog (it may be in the Deprecated tasks section), insert it into your build. Otherwise, insert a “NuGet” step.
  2. For your NuGet/NuGet Installer step, use the version selector under the task name to select version “0.*”.
  3. In the Advanced section, set the NuGet Version to “Custom” and the Path to NuGet.exe as $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\nuget.exe
  4. Before your NuGet step, add a “PowerShell” step, select “Inline Script” as the Type, enter this PowerShell script as the Inline Script, and enter “4.3.0” (or any version of NuGet from this list) as the Arguments.


  • Use VSTS to build a solution with VSTS Packages and old style csproj
  • NuGet Restore task fails for .Net Core project migrated with VS 2017

以上是 将便携式转换为.Net标准本地构建但不使用团队构建 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/265646.html
