

“addPointY” 使用功能:

setInterval(function() { 

var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);

series.addPoint(this.addPointY, true, true);

}, 3000);

我必须找到一种方式来使用它。 这是客户的要求,尚未解决。 请以另一种方式告诉我。

必须在其任何方法中使用类变量。 但我无法获得类变量。



export class HighChartService implements ChartService {

private addPointY: number = 0;

shiftAddPoint(data: number) {

this.addPointY = data;




* @see DynamicChart start function

* @param obj chart Object

* @param title Top Title

* @param type ChartType

* @param yAxisTitle Left Title

* @param series Chart data

* @author jskang

* @since 2017/10/12


dynamicInitOptions(title: string, type: string, yAxisTitle: string, series: Object[]) {

if (!type) { type = "line"; }

let obj = new Chart({

chart: {

type: type,

events: {

load: function() {

// set up the updating of the chart each second

var series = this.series[0];

setInterval(function() {

var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);

series.addPoint(this.addPointY, true, true);

}, 3000);




title: { text: title },

xAxis: {

categories: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6],

labels: {

formatter: function() {

let xAxis = "";

if(this.value % 7 == 0){ xAxis = "일"; }

else if(this.value % 7 == 1){ xAxis = "월"; }

else if(this.value % 7 == 2){ xAxis = "화"; }

else if(this.value % 7 == 3){ xAxis = "수"; }

else if(this.value % 7 == 4){ xAxis = "목"; }

else if(this.value % 7 == 5){ xAxis = "금"; }

else if(this.value % 7 == 6){ xAxis = "토"; }

return xAxis;




yAxis: {

title: {

text: yAxisTitle


labels: {

formatter: function() {

return this.value;




legend: {

layout: 'vertical',

align: 'right',

verticalAlign: 'middle'


series: series


return obj;




this内,因为当你使用function() {}语法是基于它是如何被调用创建this自己的绑定为setInterval回调函数不指向当前的类实例。

为了解决这个问题使用arrow functions它保留了背景下,您可以访问回调内部类属性:

load:() => { // Notice arrow function here 

// set up the updating of the chart each second

var series = this.series[0];

setInterval(() => { // Notice arrow function here

var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);

series.addPoint(this.addPointY, true, true);

}, 3000);



dynamicInitOptions(title: string, type: string, yAxisTitle: string, series: Object[]) { 

if (!type) { type = "line"; }

let that = this; // Capture `this` here

let obj = new Chart({

chart: {

type: type,

events: {

load: function() {

// set up the updating of the chart each second

var series = this.series[0];

setInterval(function() {

var y = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);

series.addPoint(that.addPointY, true, true); // Use `that` instead of `this here

}, 3000);




// ...



以上是 如何在函数()方法中使用类变量? 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/262009.html
