
对于我的C类的作业,我们被要求从标准输入读取数据,将这些字连同它们的位置(线和偏移量)一起放入二进制树中,修改二叉树,并根据位置在文件中打印二叉树。我在那里(我希望),但我遇到了问题,我的新数据一直覆盖我的旧数据 - 特别是,当我将它放入Insert数组时,新的Insert结构会覆盖旧的Insert结构,这意味着我的数组中有几个相同的条目。我不太清楚如何阻止它的发生,甚至是为什么发生这种情况,尽管我认为这可能是因为我将数据写入同一个指针而没有清除它。新数据覆盖指针中的旧数据


#include <stdio.h> 

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

#define s 5000

#define z 10

struct Position {

int line; // line number

int offset; // 1, 2, 3, ...: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... word on the line

struct Position *next;


struct TreeNode {

char *word;

struct Position *positions; // store positions where the word occurs

struct TreeNode *parent;

struct TreeNode *left;

struct TreeNode *right;


struct Insert {

char *word;

struct Position *pos;


struct RemoveWord {

char *word;


struct RemovePos {

struct Position *pos;


struct TreeNode *createNode(char *word, struct Position *pos) {

struct TreeNode *node = (struct TreeNode*) malloc(sizeof(struct TreeNode));

node->word = malloc(s);

strcpy(node->word, word);

node->positions = pos;

node->parent = node->left = node->right = NULL;

return node;


struct Position *createPos(int line, int offset, struct Position *next) {

struct Position *node = (struct Position*) malloc(sizeof(struct Position));

node->line = line;

node->offset = offset;

node->next = next;

return node;


struct TreeNode *insertNode(struct TreeNode* tree, char *word, struct Position *pos) {

struct Position *tpos = (struct Position*) malloc(sizeof(struct Position));

if (tree == NULL) {

return createNode(word, pos);


if (strcmp(word, tree->word) < 0) {

tree->left = insertNode(tree->left, word, pos);

} else if (strcmp(word, tree->word) > 0) {

tree->right = insertNode(tree->right, word, pos);

} else if (strcmp(word, tree->word) == 0) {

tpos = tree->positions;

while(1) {

if (tpos->next == NULL) {

tpos->next = pos;



tpos = tpos->next;



return tree;


struct TreeNode *min(struct TreeNode* tree) {

struct TreeNode* c = tree;

while (c->left != NULL) {

c = c->left;


return c;


struct TreeNode *removeWord(struct TreeNode* tree, char *word) {

if (tree == NULL) {

return tree;


if (strcmp(word, tree->word) < 0) {

tree->left = removeWord(tree->left, word);

} else if (strcmp(word, tree->word) > 0) {

tree->right = removeWord(tree->right, word);

} else {

if (tree->left == NULL) {

struct TreeNode *temp = tree->right;


return temp;

} else if (tree->right == NULL) {

struct TreeNode *temp = tree->left;


return temp;


struct TreeNode *temp = min(tree->right);

strcpy(tree->word, temp->word);

tree->right = removeWord(tree->right, temp->word);


return tree;


struct TreeNode *removePosition(struct TreeNode *tree, struct Position *pos) {

if (tree == NULL) {

return tree;


removePosition(tree->left, pos);

if (tree->positions->line == pos->line && tree->positions->offset == pos->offset) {

tree = removeWord(tree, tree->word);

return tree;


while(1) {

tree->positions = tree->positions->next;

if (tree->positions == NULL) {



if (tree->positions->line == pos->line && tree->positions->offset == pos->offset) {

tree = removeWord(tree, tree->word);

return tree;



removePosition(tree->right, pos);

return tree;


struct TreeNode *removeLine(struct TreeNode *tree, int line) {

if (tree == NULL) {

return tree;


removeLine(tree->left, line);

if (tree->positions->line == line) {

tree = removeWord(tree, tree->word);

return tree;


while(1) {

tree->positions = tree->positions->next;

if (tree->positions == NULL) {



if (tree->positions->line == line) {

tree = removeWord(tree, tree->word);

return tree;



removeLine(tree->right, line);

return tree;


//TESTING INORDER -- via sreekar2307 on github

void inorder(struct TreeNode* root) {

if(root==NULL) return ;


printf("word is %s, line is %i, offset is %i\n",root->word, root->positions->line, root->positions->offset);

while(1) {

root->positions = root->positions->next;

if (root->positions == NULL) {



printf("---> addition: line is %i, offset is %i\n", root->positions->line, root->positions->offset);




int main() {

FILE *out;

char line[s];

int w = 1;

int l = 1;

int b = 1; //switch for before/after END

int I = 0; //switch for insert

int R = 0; //switch for remove word

int RL = 0; //switch for remove line

int INSERT = 0; // number of insert commands

int REMOVEWORD = 0; // number of removeword commands

int REMOVEPOS = 0; // number of removepos commands

int REMOVELINE = 0; // number of removeline commands

char *iw = malloc(s); //holds insert word

int il, io; //holds insert line, offset

int rwl, rwo; //holds remove word line, offset

struct Insert* ic[z];

struct RemoveWord* rwc[z];

struct RemovePos* rpc[z];

struct Insert *ic1 = (struct Insert *) malloc(sizeof(struct Insert));

struct RemoveWord *rwc1 = (struct RemoveWord *) malloc(sizeof(struct RemoveWord));

struct RemovePos *rpc1 = (struct RemovePos *) malloc(sizeof(struct RemovePos));

int rlc[z];

ic1->word = malloc(s);

rwc1->word = malloc(s);

rpc1->pos = (struct Position *) malloc(sizeof(struct Position));

struct Position *pos = (struct Position *) malloc(sizeof(struct Position));

struct Position *tpos = (struct Position *) malloc(sizeof(struct Position));

out = fopen("output.txt", "w+");

pos->next = NULL;

tpos->next = NULL;

struct TreeNode *ortree = NULL;

while (fgets(line, s, stdin)) {

char *word = malloc(s);

line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0;

for (word = strtok(line, " "); word; word = strtok(NULL, " ")) {

pos = createPos(l, w, NULL);

ortree = insertNode(ortree, word, pos);


if (strcmp(word, "END") == 0) {

b = 0;


if (l > 1 && b == 1 && I == 0 && R == 0 && RL == 0) {

printf("word is %s\n", word);

if (strcmp(word, "I") == 0) {

I = 1;


} else if (strcmp(word, "R") == 0) {

R = 1;


} else if (strcmp(word, "RL") == 0) {

RL = 1;




if (I == 1) {

iw = word;




if (I == 2) {

il = atoi(word);




if (I == 3) {

io = atoi(word);

tpos = createPos(il, io, NULL);

ic1->pos = tpos;

strcpy(ic1->word, iw);

ic[INSERT] = (struct Insert *) malloc(sizeof(struct Insert));

ic[INSERT] = ic1;

I = 0;




if (R == 1) {

int r = atoi(word);

if (r == 0) {

strcpy(rwc1->word, word);

rwc[REMOVEWORD] = rwc1;


R = 0;


} else {

rwl = r;





if (R == 2) {

rwo = atoi(word);

tpos = createPos(rwl, rwo, NULL);

rpc1->pos = tpos;

rpc[REMOVEPOS] = rpc1;

R = 0;




if (RL == 1) {

rlc[REMOVELINE] = atoi(word);

RL = 0;






w = 1;

*line = '\0';


for (int n = 0; n < INSERT; n++) {

printf("ic[n]->word is %s\n", ic[n]->word);

ortree = insertNode(ortree, ic[n]->word, ic[n]->pos);


for (int n = 0; n < REMOVEWORD; n++) {

printf("rwc[n]->word is %s\n", rwc[n]->word);

ortree = removeWord(ortree, rwc[n]->word);


for (int n = 0; n < REMOVEPOS; n++) {

ortree = removePosition(ortree, rpc[n]->pos);


for (int n = 0; n < REMOVELINE; n++) {

ortree = removeLine(ortree, rlc[n]);




return 0;



input.1 output.out
RL 1
RL 7
R they
R Center
That's a slight uptick from a year ago, when a CNN poll found that 53 percent said they were dreading having to carry on such a conversation, with 43 percent saying they looked forward to such a dialogue.

"There's a sense of dread. It suggests some indigestion may be part of Thanksgiving dinner if politics come up," said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion. "People you work with and go out with socially tend to share political views, but when you get to family, if politics is in the recipe, it may not taste very well."

That trepidation about broaching politics isn't coming from just one political party, but almost two-thirds of Democrats said they are, while only about half of Republicans were. (Fifty-six percent of independents also said so.)

President Trump is, unsurprisingly, a polarizing topic of potential dinner conversation. Forty-seven percent of people in the poll said they find it "stressful and frustrating" when talking with people who have a different opinion about the president than they do. (A Pew Research Center poll from June found 59 percent saying the same thing.)



以上是 新数据覆盖指针中的旧数据 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/261158.html
