

Option Explicit 

Option Base 1

Dim s_no() As String

Sub createReport()


End Sub

Sub ook()

Dim last As Integer

ReDim s_no(1 To 1)

If Not Sheet1.Range("A2").Value = "" Then

s_no(1) = Sheet1.Range("A2").Value


MsgBox "Empty sheet"

End If

last = Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

Dim i As Integer

For i = 2 To last

If already_exists(Sheet1.Range("A" & CStr(i)).Value) = False Then

ReDim Preserve s_no(1 To UBound(s_no) + 1)

s_no(UBound(s_no)) = Sheet1.Range("A" & CStr(i)).Value

End If


For i = 1 To UBound(s_no)

Debug.Print s_no(i)


End Sub

Function already_exists(trial)

already_exists = False

Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To UBound(s_no)

If s_no(i) = trial Then

already_exists = True

Exit Function

End If


End Function


正如@ Yow32K表明,它似乎有一个自定义窗体“start_win”是谁帮助你的人创建的。





Option Explicit     'All variables must be declared first. 

Option Base 1 'Arrays start at 1 rather than 0.

Dim s_no() As String 'Global array variable.

'Available to all procedures in the module.

Sub createReport()

start_win.Show 'Open and display a form called `start_win`.

'Form will likely contain code as well.

End Sub

Sub ook() 'Reference to disc-worlds librarian?

'(and the name of this procedure)

Dim last As Integer 'The 'last' variable will hold values between

'–32,768 to 32,767.

'Terrible for holding row numbers.

ReDim s_no(1 To 1) 'The global variable is reassigned as an

'array containing 1 element.

If Not Sheet1.Range("A2").Value = "" Then 'Sheet1 is the sheet codename

'(name not in brackets in Project explorer).

'If cell A2 is an empty string then go to

'next line, otherwise message box.

s_no(1) = Sheet1.Range("A2").Value 'Place value from A2 into "s_no(1)"

'element of variable.


MsgBox "Empty sheet" 'If cell A2 was an empty string then

'jump to this line.

End If

last = Cells(Sheet1.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'Get the last row number from the

'sheet with codename Sheet1 and

'store in 'last' variable.

'Didn't I say that was a terrible idea?

'This line will fail if the last

'row is >32,767 (Overflow error).

Dim i As Integer 'Again, terrible idea - integer for row

'numbers... no. Use LONG instead.

For i = 2 To last 'Step from row 2 to last row

'(providing error hasn't happened).

If already_exists(Sheet1.Range("A" & CStr(i)).Value) = False Then 'Pass the value from

'row number 'i' in column A

'to the 'already_exists' procedure

'where it will be called 'trial'

'"Sheet1.Cells(i,2)" would be better.

ReDim Preserve s_no(1 To UBound(s_no) + 1) 'Increase the size of the 's_no'

'array while keeping an values it

'already holds.

s_no(UBound(s_no)) = Sheet1.Range("A" & CStr(i)).Value 'Place the value from column A

'in the array.

End If


For i = 1 To UBound(s_no) 'Cycle through the array.

Debug.Print s_no(i) 'Place the value from the array in the immediate window.


End Sub

Function already_exists(trial) 'Function to return a variant value

'(should specify the return type).

already_exists = False 'Start as False.. so it's a boolean.

'Be better to declare that in the function name.

Dim i As Integer 'There's that integer again. Just stop...

For i = 1 To UBound(s_no) 'Cycle through each element in 's_no' array.

If s_no(i) = trial Then 'Does that element equal the one passed

'from the main procedure?

already_exists = True 'If it does then return TRUE to the main procedure.

Exit Function 'Exit the function and jump back to the main procedure.

'Would be the better to exit the loop and have one

'exit point for the function.

End If


End Function


Sub ook() 

Dim lLast As Long 'Holds last row number.

Dim i As Long 'Holds current row number.

Dim s_no As Object 'Define an object.

Dim key As Variant 'Use this to step through the populated dictionary.

Set s_no = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'Define it as a dictionary.

With Sheet1

lLast = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

'Previously assumed that A2 would hold a value,

'so if last row in column A is 1 then A2 will be blank

'and the sheet is empty.

If lLast <> 1 Then

For i = 2 To lLast

'Does the value already exist in the dictionary object?

If Not s_no.exists(.Cells(i, 1).Value) Then

s_no.Add .Cells(i, 1).Value, .Cells(i, 1).Value 'It doesn't, so add it.

End If

Next i

For Each key In s_no

Debug.Print s_no(key)

Next key


'Nothing else should happen if the sheet is empty.

MsgBox "Empty sheet", vbCritical + vbOKOnly

End If

End With

End Sub

另一个编辑:Dictionaries - 对不起,通常不链接这个网站之外,但它是一个很好的教程。

以上是 此代码的哪一部分提供了用于选择项目的msg框 的全部内容, 来源链接: utcz.com/qa/259000.html
