Angularjs - html to pdf using pdfmake.js

使用pdfmake.js在javascript中生成pdf。但是如果内容太大,它会生成一个空白文档。使用html2canvas创建画布并使用此创建PDF。如何解决这个问题?Angularjs - html to pdf using pdfmake.js

self.exportAsCanvas = function (contentObject, fileName, heading) { 

var useWidth = $(contentObject)[0].offsetWidth;

var useHeight = $(contentObject)[0].offsetHeight;

//var graphContent = angular.element(contentObject).find('.graph-content');

html2canvas(contentObject, {

onrendered: function (canvas) {


var data = canvas.toDataURL();

var docDefinition = {

header: { text: heading, style: 'header' },

footer: {

columns: [

{ text: 'Copyright © 2015 H&R Block. All Rights Reserved.', alignment: 'center',fontSize: 11 }



pageOrientation: self.pageOrientation,

content: [{

image: data,

fit: [1000, 1100]

//width: 500,



styles: {

header: {

fontSize: 14,

bold: true,

alignment: 'center',

margin: [0, 10, 0, 10]




pdfMake.createPdf(docDefinition).download(fileName + ".pdf");


width: useWidth,

height: useHeight





var docDefinition = { 

header: { text: heading, style: 'header' },

footer: {

columns: [

{ text: 'Copyright © 2015 H&R Block. All Rights Reserved.', alignment: 'center',fontSize: 11 }



pageOrientation: self.pageOrientation,

content: [{

image: data,

fit: [1000, 1100],

pageBreak: 'after', //PAGE BREAK

//width: 500,



styles: {

header: {

fontSize: 14,

bold: true,

alignment: 'center',

margin: [0, 10, 0, 10]




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